SQL Saturday NYC 2023! A Success!

End of event prizes!

I must thank all the folks in the greater Microsoft MVP, and Volunteer, and user group, and other community for the great events you hold.

In particular, SQL Saturday NYC 2023, held at the Microsoft facility in Times Square was fantastic.

  • SQL Saturdays, and Data Saturdays, are volunteer-led events celebrating the Microsoft data platform including SQL Server.
  • SQL Saturday
  • Data Saturdays

Thanks to the sponsors, and to Microsoft for letting this group run this conference.

In summary, over 300 people showed up for free training, across 12 tracks, and 4 time slots, plus lunch sessions for a total of over 50 sessions!

The user groups represented include:

Here are some photos from the event.

I strongly encourage you to reach out if you think you might want to speak. There are coaches available, to help guide you. Many user groups are happy to have new speakers try out a short presentation, and then grow from there.

Side note, the event hands out prizes from the sponsors at the end!

About George Walters

Data and AI Specialist in Health and Life Sciences on Major accounts. I enjoy quota-carrying positions in technical sales. Speaker, Mentor, and part-time Social Justice Warrior. I've been doing data for 25 years.
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1 Response to SQL Saturday NYC 2023! A Success!

  1. Ely Shemer says:

    Cool stuff!.
    This is what I love in your post
    This is great news! It’s amazing to see so many people coming together for free training in SQL and data-related topics. Kudos to the organizers, sponsors, and Microsoft for supporting such events. The prizes at the end are definitely a nice touch!
    Thanks, Ely Shemer


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